Monday, 13 September 2010

Pope to criticise equality laws

It has been reported that, in a speech on Friday, the Pope will criticise Britain's equality laws, and that they shouldn't overshadow Christians' rights to express their religion.

It's probably worth reminding ourselves of the area of law this largely stems from. First up - indirect discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief. In an employment context, this means that an employer must not have selection criteria, policies, employment rules or any other practices that apply to everyone regardless of religion, but have the effect of disadvantaging employees or job applicants of a particular religion or belief, unless the employer can show that they are justified. Attempts by Christians to rely on this legislation have led to a number of high profile media stories (perhaps most famously Eweida v British Airways, in which an air stewardess claimed, unsuccessfully, that BA's dress code, which forbade the wearing of a visible cross, was indirectly discriminatory). Secondly, Under the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 no-one should be refused goods or services on the grounds of their sexuality; this sparked outrage in April this year when the then shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling, defended two Christian B&B owners who refused a room to a couple on the basis that they were gay.

In short, expect a heated media debate over the next few days...

Read more here.

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